Be Yourself
If you read my blog posts, you know I’m a fierce advocate for being unapologetically yourself. Now, this doesn’t mean you have license to be a jerk, this just means be fully who you are, without worrying about whether others will like you. Life is messy, leave it that way, is one of my mottos. One of the things we get so weird about in U.S. culture is the body, especially bodies identified as female. There is a narrow range of what is considered acceptable. I’ve been thinking a lot about this topic.
This month I’ve been participating in LexPoMo, or Lexington Poetry Month. The goal is to post a poem every day for the month of June. I am by no means a poet, but I’ve been having fun experimenting with the form. One of the poems I shared is about accepting all of who you are physically.
This moment
Right now
And every moment
Be yourself
Your glorious, messy, complicated self
Run from those who want to
tidy you up
make you fit a mold
you are magnificent, beautiful, amazing
just the way you are
yes you with your messy hair, your crow’s feet, your jiggling belly
you with your laugh lines, your batwings, your wattle
you with your baby face, your knobby knees, your tooth gap
you with your rubbing together thighs
you with your thighs that gap
you with your cankles
you with your skinny ankles
you with your sunny disposition
you with your obstinate opposition
Just the way you are