The Ebb and Flow of Life
This I wish for you. That you find the sparks of hope in your life, and that you allow yourself to love all of yourself, all your bits and pieces.

Reclaim Your Body

What’s Your Double Standard"?
If you make a mistake, even an egregious one, what do you hope for if another person is involved? Think for a moment.
If you are like most humans you want to be given the benefit of the doubt, to be forgiven for your mistakes, you want to be given a second, or even third or fourth chance. You want to be able to fix your mistake if possible, or move on if not, and you don’t want the other person to hold a grudge. Now, take a moment to think about how you behave when someone else messes up. Think. Be honest with yourself. I’ll wait. Have you cut through your sanctimonious notions yet?
Most of us, if we’re honest, get pissed off, upset, angry, or enraged when someone else makes a mistake, and we don’t want to forgive them right away. We may judge them, say nasty things either out loud, or in our heads, act like a victim, behave in a passive-aggressive way and so on.

If You Are Sad and You Know it…
To be fully human means feeling the whole range of emotions. Denying certain emotions doesn’t make you superior, it makes you less able to relate to others, less able to deal with difficulty, and less able to feel compassion.
So today, sing out, “If you are sad and you know it, clap your hands. If you are angry and you know it clap your hands. If you are happy and you know it lap your hands.” Feel whatever you feel. Suffer with others and let them suffer with you.